Top Web Design Trends For 2021

Written by
Visions Team
April 1, 2021

So, it’s finally 2021, a year to look forward to after the last year, or so we thought! What better way to start the year than to share our top web design trends to look out for over the coming months.

Every year in web design, new trends and styles emerge and gain popularity. 2020 saw several trends come and go, and 2021 will be no different. So which trends do you need to take notice of and which trends do we think will be just a fad?

Parallax Effects

The parallax effect, to put simply, is when you have multiple layers and they can interact with each other. You may have seen parallax effects used in web design before, it adds extra flair to a design and the way people view a web page. For years Apple has not only mastered the designs of their products but also their website. The Apple product showcase pages are a great way to see just how a parallax works.

Apple’s product launch pages almost always use a parallax effect, at least for iPhones they do. It allows the design to show off the product features, visually, while interacting with how the user scrolls. We have started to see more and more web designs using the same feature and we have to say we are fans!  

silver macbook beside black camera lens and black camera lens

Augmented Reality (AR)

With technology advancing day by day we feel that web design needs to incorporate those changes. We believe that 2021 will be the year we see lots more designs featuring AR.

So far a few car companies have embraced augmented reality to showcase their cars and allow you to customise things to how you want them. For example, Bentley allows you to change the interior of your new car by using augmented reality to show you what each change really looks like.

This gives users a feel for the product/service without having to leave home!

Custom Cursors

You may think custom cursors are a thing of the past, but 2021 may be the year we see them make a comeback! A custom cursor is often overlooked in designs as it doesn’t directly link to any one part of your design. It's a fun and bold move, and can make your website just that little bit more creative, not to mention, a fun cursor can be interactive!

Colourless Design

Throughout the years web design has always had changes in colour palettes, schemes and even elements. 2018 was the year of the gradient, 2019 saw a big increase in the number of pastel colours being implemented on designs and 2020 brought us more vibrant colours.

We think 2021 will be the year we see more and more colourless designs. Colourless design is what it sounds like. Many designers are now favouring using two simple colours, black and white for web design. You may think this sounds drastic and won’t look very good but you’d be wrong!

We loved the simplistic new trend so much we used this when designing our website.

Visions Website 2021

Landscape Designs

Aren’t all websites designed to be landscape I hear you ask? Well, sort of. Most websites are built on scroll, meaning that the user is expected to scroll down to find more information and content. 2021 will see the rise of the landscape design, this means that instead of scrolling up and down, users will instead scroll left and right.

We're not too sure about this trend, how do you feel about it?

Need a helping hand with your website design?

Keeping up with trends over the years can be tricky, but we're here to help!

We’ve been designing websites for over 10 years and love a new trend. If you need help with your web design, graphic design or maybe you want some help with your current digital marketing give us a call!