Our Most Frequently Asked Questions

Written by
Visions Team
June 10, 2021


Over the years we have been asked a few questions by our clients over and over again. We thought it was time to make a list and answer our most frequently asked questions!

Table of Contents

Do you design logos?

YES! We have a team of branding specialists who work on our logos. Each logo comes in a number of colour variations and will be fully responsive.

Can I edit my website?

You can indeed. Every website we build is editable so whether you want to update a phone number or add a new page you can. At the end of each project, we supply a CMS guide and training with detailed steps on how to edit your new website.

Will my website be mobile friendly?

Absolutely. There’s nothing more annoying than a website that doesn’t work on your phone. We always make sure our websites are optimised and responsive for any screen size! Did you know Google penalises websites that are not optimised for mobile phones?

Can you host my new website?

We can! We have a range of different hosting options and when any project is ready to go live we discuss the best option that will be right for you. We have a range of servers and solutions that can be tailored to your website’s needs.

How do I get my website on Page 1 on Google?

If you want your site to show first on Google, SEO is what you need. Our digital marketing team will explain exactly what will be done and can fully manage your Search Engine Optimisation.

I want to change the content on my website but don’t know where to start. What can I do?

Don’t overthink it. It’s too easy to sit and stare at a blank screen wondering where to start. We have forms that will help guide you through the process or our team of content writers can take charge and remove all of the stress of creating your new content.

How long does it take for you to build my website?

For a typical brochure website from start to finish, it usually takes 6 – 8 weeks. As all of our projects are fully bespoke web designed and developed from scratch this can vary however at the beginning of every project we set out key goals and deadlines so everyone always knows where the project is up to.

We hope we’ve answered some questions you may have had, but if we haven’t be sure to get in touch. You can drop us an email at info@visionsdesign.co.uk, call us on 01925 759 669 or submit a message through our contact form here.