Sensory Marketing - How Starbucks Did it

Written by
Visions Team
September 23, 2024

As soon as autumn arrives, it feels like the world collectively agrees on one thing: it’s time for Pumpkin Spice everything. Leading this annual flavour frenzy is Starbucks with their famous Pumpkin Spice Latte (PSL). It’s not just a drink; it’s a cultural phenomenon that brings hordes of people into Starbucks stores every year. But what makes this seasonal drink such a massive success? The answer lies in sensory marketing—a strategy that Starbucks has mastered.

What is Sensory Marketing?

Sensory marketing focuses on engaging one or more of the five senses—sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch—to influence consumer perceptions, emotions, and behaviour. The aim is to create an emotional and memorable experience that goes beyond the product itself.

When sensory marketing is done well, it can strengthen brand loyalty, improve customer satisfaction, and even encourage word-of-mouth marketing. The idea is that the more senses you engage, the stronger the emotional connection you create with your customers.

Let’s take a closer look at how Starbucks nails each sensory aspect with the Pumpkin Spice Latte.

Taste: The Flavour of Autumn

Taste is the most obvious sense when we talk about coffee, but Starbucks takes it to another level with the PSL. The drink’s flavour profile is a carefully crafted blend of pumpkin, cinnamon, nutmeg, clove, and espresso. It’s more than just a sweet treat; it’s a taste that captures the essence of autumn.

Why is this so effective? The flavour of pumpkin spice taps into nostalgia. It reminds us of crisp autumn days, cosy jumpers, and holidays spent with family. This sense of comfort and familiarity creates an emotional bond between the drink and the season, making it something people look forward to every year.

Nostalgia is a powerful tool in marketing because it triggers positive memories and emotions, making customers more likely to purchase a product that evokes these feelings. The Pumpkin Spice Latte doesn’t just satisfy a craving—it brings back cherished memories of autumns past.

Smell: The Scent of the Season

When it comes to memory and emotion, smell is one of the most influential senses. Starbucks has taken full advantage of this with the PSL. Walk into a Starbucks during autumn, and you’re instantly greeted by the warm, spicy scent of pumpkin spice. It’s a smell that’s now strongly associated with the season itself.

This sensory cue works on a subconscious level. Even if you’re not planning to buy a PSL, the aroma of pumpkin spice can stir feelings of warmth, comfort, and the familiar autumn experience. Suddenly, the thought of ordering one becomes irresistible.

Starbucks has essentially “branded” the smell of autumn. By doing this, they’ve made the PSL synonymous with the season, turning it into a sensory experience that goes far beyond just the taste of the drink.

Sight: Instagram-Ready Aesthetics

With the rise of social media, products need to be visually compelling to generate organic promotion. Starbucks knows this well and has designed the PSL to be highly Instagrammable.

Each year, the PSL came served in a limited-edition autumn-themed cup, which is visually distinct and instantly recognisable. The vibrant colours and fall-inspired designs on the cups create an immediate association with the season. Additionally, the drink itself—with its swirl of whipped cream and dusting of cinnamon—looks so inviting that customers can’t resist snapping a photo.

This user-generated content is essentially free advertising for Starbucks. Every time someone shares their PSL on social media, they’re promoting the product to their followers. By ensuring that the drink is visually appealing, Starbucks has harnessed the power of social proof—encouraging others to join in and purchase their own PSL.

Sound: The Starbucks Experience

Sound might not seem as obvious in coffee marketing, but it plays an important role in creating the overall experience. At Starbucks, the sounds of baristas calling out names, the grinding of coffee beans, and the hiss of the espresso machine contribute to the brand’s unique atmosphere.

This familiar environment adds to the ritualistic nature of getting a PSL. The comforting sounds of a busy café can evoke a sense of community and warmth, making the experience of ordering your autumn drink feel even more enjoyable.

By creating a distinctive auditory experience, Starbucks turns a simple transaction into something more meaningful. It’s not just about grabbing a coffee—it’s about engaging in a sensory experience that feels special and familiar at the same time.

Starbucks marketing screens advertising Pumpkin Spice Lattes
Image by Visions Design Team Member

Touch: The Comfort of a Warm Cup

Finally, let’s talk about the tactile experience of the Pumpkin Spice Latte. On a chilly autumn morning, there’s nothing quite like wrapping your hands around a warm cup of coffee. Starbucks enhances this by using their iconic seasonal cups, which not only look good but feel good to hold.

This tactile experience, combined with the warmth of the drink, adds to the overall sense of comfort that comes with ordering a PSL. It’s a small detail, but it makes a big difference in creating an emotional connection with the product.

Why Sensory Marketing Works

So why is sensory marketing so effective? It all comes down to emotional connection. By engaging multiple senses, brands can create stronger, more lasting impressions on their customers. It’s no longer just about the product itself—it’s about the way the product makes the customer feel.

When consumers have a positive emotional experience with a product, they’re more likely to develop loyalty to the brand and make repeat purchases. In the case of the Pumpkin Spice Latte, it’s not just the taste that brings people back every year—it’s the entire sensory experience.

What Can Other Brands Learn from Starbucks?

Starbucks has set the gold standard for sensory marketing with the Pumpkin Spice Latte, but the principles they’ve used can be applied across industries. Here are some key takeaways for other brands looking to implement sensory marketing:

  • Create an emotional connection: Use sensory cues to tap into your customers' emotions. Nostalgia, comfort, and joy are powerful feelings that can drive purchases.
  • Engage multiple senses: The more senses you engage, the more immersive the experience becomes. Think about how your product can appeal to sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell.
  • Make it shareable: Visual appeal is key in today’s social media-driven world. Make sure your product looks great and encourages people to share it with their network.
  • Build a tradition: Seasonal products or limited-time offerings can create anticipation and excitement. By turning your product into an annual tradition, you can build lasting customer loyalty.
  • Think beyond the product: Sensory marketing isn’t just about the product itself—it’s about creating a holistic experience. From the way your product is packaged to the environment in which it’s sold, every touchpoint matters.


Starbucks has turned the Pumpkin Spice Latte into more than just a drink—it’s an experience. By masterfully engaging the senses, they’ve created a product that customers look forward to year after year. This is the power of sensory marketing: it transforms a product into something memorable, emotional, and even shareable.

If your brand is looking to make a similar impact, consider how you can tap into the senses to create an experience that goes beyond the product itself. When done right, sensory marketing can be the key to long-term success and customer loyalty. Need a hand? Get in touch with our expert marketing team!